17 Crosh Command For Fun | Crosh Commands Funny 2025

When I use a search engine for trending news or topics, often I see lots of people who search for crosh commands funny or crosh commands for fun and some related keywords.

For Chromebooks, crosh codes are very important. With the help of these codes, you can easily do heavy tasks very easily.

In a Chromebook OS, you have to enable Linux and after that, you can experience the power of your laptop with the help of Linux Beta.

There are thousands of commands that you can use for your fun, time pass, or learn new things.

When I have to do some quick tasks in no time, I generally open the crosh shell terminal using Ctrl + Alt + T and then use some shortcut crosh commands codes to open my tasks.

And within a second, my tasks pages open. This is one of its benefits you can save time.

Today, I will share commands that will be beneficial for you and you can try these codes in your free time for having fun.

What Are Funny Crosh Commands For Chromebook OS 2024?

Before getting started, some codes are known as evil crosh commands. If you don’t know what are these codes? You can follow the given link, what are evil crosh commands 2024?

Developers called it, evils or dangerous crosh shell codes because, these codes are very dangerous for your laptop or chrome OS. It is enough capable to vanish your OS.

And you can’t retrieve it back like before. That’s why I think, if you don’t know about these codes, you should know.

Also Read: 57 Crosh Terminal Commands That All Chromebook User Should Know.

So here are the top most funny crosh commands that you can use in your free time to refresh your mood.

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But before proceeding ahead you need to understand that some commands are inbuilt but some you need to install.

All the commands will only work on your chrome OS when its packages have already been installed. If some packages are not installed on your Chromebook Linux PC, follow the commands. Enter package name without brackets < >. Sudo apt install <package name>.

So let’s start, Following are the funny and hidden crosh commands that you can use on your chrome terminal.

1. Figlet.

This command will write any words in figlet form. Simply type figlet <any word>.

figlet hello

2. SL /LS.

These commands will import engine train terminal commands. This command has different variations, each command will move different engine trains in a different orientation.

sl -a
sl -l 
sl -f

3. PI.

This will give the value of pi.


4. Factor.

Want to know the factor of any mathematical value. Then, this command is for you. With the use of this crosh command, you will get the factor of any digits.

factor <number>

5. Star Wars.

Want to enjoy star wars in crosh shell terminal. Just copy the below commands and run it in your terminal and then, boom. Star Wars will starts to play in chrome terminal from the beginning of 20th century along with all character names.

telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

6. Xeyes.

What about someone watching you. This command will display eyes that follows your curser.


7. Yes.

This command will generate infinite sequences of text until you stop it. Simply type yes along with any text and see the magic.

yes <I Love You>

Additional: Crosh Commands For Fun.

1. Open Spotify.

If you are getting bored and want to refresh your mind and increase productivity. You can listen to songs on the Linux terminal using the command. Through this code, you can listen to songs online on Spotify.

sp “song name”

2. Fast.com

If you are facing problems with internet speed and want to check internet speed using crosh commands then this is for you. Use the below commands to check your internet speed on Linux.


3. Cmus.

This is like iTunes on the local computer that helps you to manage songs. It helps you to find your iTunes library. It is a music player through this you can listen to your songs.


Also Read: How To Use Crosh Commands To Get WIFI Password?

4. Youtube-dl.

You are listening to a song on youtube and you found it very heartwarming, it touches your inner soul. And you want to add that track to your library. You can do this using Linux commands. Crosh commands also help you to download YouTube videos. Simply follow the commands.

yt <enter the url of the video>

5. Instagram-save.

Want to download an Instagram posts? Instagram doesn’t allow you to download directly any posts, videos, or pictures. You can download it by using the funny crosh commands.

insta <url of the post, images, or videos>

6. Emoji.

Want to try different emojis? Using Chromebook Linux commands, you can even try different emojis, just by adding different suffixes at the end of the emoji command.

emoji happy

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7. Weather.

Are you getting bored with your work and want to go for an outing with friends or alone? But before you should check the weather forecast. But how will you do this on crosh shell commands?

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Okay don’t worry, you can even check the weather for your location. Just use the commands.


8. Hacker Typer.

Want to influence your friends, to show you know a little bit about hacking. Then these commands will help you to show you are an ethical hacker.

hacker typer

Also Read: 2 Easy Ways To Install iTunes For Chromebook.

9. Uptime Status.

I think you should try this command at once. To check the uptime of your chrome book and how long your system is running. Also, you can check the number of users are logged in, in real-time.


10. Check Auto Update Over Cellular Network.

If you love updates then this is for you. By default, auto-update for the cellular network is disabled. So, you can enable or disable your Chromebook OS updates over the cellular network by using the following commands codes.

update_over_cellular [enable/disable]

Frequently Asked Questions.

What does Bt_console do in Crosh?

This command opens Bluetooth debugging consoles, that help to fix the Bluetooth-related issue.

Does Crosh do anything?

Yes, with the help of crosh you can do almost all tasks on your Chromebook. Every task has specific commands and you have to know all.

How do I change colors in crosh?
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Changing color in crosh is very easy, simply open your crosh shell terminal by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T and then press, Ctrl + Shift + P. This will open a window where you can change the color, backgrounds, and cursor color.

Can crosh unblock sites?

Yes, with the help of crosh you can access the blocked websites. Simply ping that website into the crosh shell terminal, and copy that website’s IP address and search it.

How do I find someone’s IP using crosh?

Open crosh terminal and ping that website. You will get the IP address of that website.

What are the things to do on crosh?

There are lots of things, you can try on crosh shell. Listen to kinds of music, unblock websites, open games, play videos, run Windows and Mac OS apps, see others saved wi-fi passwords,s and get detailed information about your chrome OS.

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